Deccan Chargers skipper Kumar Sangakkara on Wednesday said he feels advantaged to lead the city-based team in the upcoming fourth edition of the Indian Premier League (IPL) and is looking forward to playing well here."The expectations are pretty high. Coming in and starting to play cricket again after the World Cup is also a great feeling and confidently as a franchise and as a team we can to do really well this year."You have to get on with the job and start playing and winning games," Sangakkara told reporters after his arrival at the airport here.
The wicketkeeper-batsman, who had yesterday announced his decision to step down as the ODI and T20 captain of the Sri Lankan team, had represented and led the Kings XI Punjab franchise in the past edition of the IPL. When asked about his new assignment, Sangakkara said, "That's the way...a lot of people have changed teams this year and I think I am very advantaged to be here with Deccan Chargers, which is a great franchise. Deccan Chargers are a great team and have a great coach Darren Lehmann, I am looking forward to playing here."
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The wicketkeeper-batsman, who had yesterday announced his decision to step down as the ODI and T20 captain of the Sri Lankan team, had represented and led the Kings XI Punjab franchise in the past edition of the IPL. When asked about his new assignment, Sangakkara said, "That's the way...a lot of people have changed teams this year and I think I am very advantaged to be here with Deccan Chargers, which is a great franchise. Deccan Chargers are a great team and have a great coach Darren Lehmann, I am looking forward to playing here."
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